Untold radio signals are moving through our cube all the time. If you could have the means, you might be able to listen in. Maybe even to signals from another planet. Certainly photos from our Mars probes are passing through on occassion. Maybe from beyond? And it’s right in front of your nose.

 [This chapter continues the “assignment” from my Spirit Guide, See Do, to examine the complexities of our mundane reality. The specific construct given me to examine is a hypothetical cube ¼ inch on a side, floating in the air about a foot in front of my faceThese meditations on our temporal reality will be followed by an examination of “See Do reality.”]

            Moving down the energy spectrum things get even more interesting.

           For example,traveling through our cube right now are all the radio waves from all the radio stations you could possibly tune in. And not just on your regular store-bought radio, but on the most powerful radio receiver in the world. All that information is passing through our cube right now. If you stuck a radio antennae in there you could listen. It would all be there.

            The radio spectrum is divided up between thousands of different bands. And you can bet they are all active. There’s Wi-Fi, cell phones, cordless phones, microwave communications. All of these are transmitting. Just imagine all the cell phone signals alone. And the information is passing through our cube. FM radio, television, Shortwave, AM radio. They’re all just passing right on through. If you could receive them all, you’d be getting tons of data by the second. It’s actually hard to conceive of, but it’s there. It’s obviously there.

            There are CB radio transmissions, Police & Fire, Aircraft and ship communications. Not to mention the radar signals being beamed out to track aircraft and chart the weather. And satellite TV and GPS. Oh, and Bluetooth. It’s all passing through the space right there in our cube. Just more photons moving at various energies and frequencies. In all directions.

            Out beyond these lower frequencies are power generators, power lines and the general static field. If you could tune your antennae to those very low frequency signals you would hear their buzz and hiss.

           In fact, if you’re near a power line, you might be able to hear the buzz with your own ears. That’s because the frequency of the vibrating atoms is down near the frequency of audible sound. And in addition to sending off photons, the wire is actually sending out sound waves through the air.

           Our cube is alive with these energies. They are all there to hear, if you have the means. It’s information flowing past. Huge amounts of information. Is it incomprehensible? We pick up our favorite electronic device and tap in without a second thought. And information flows. The world is alive and moving on levels that are far beyond our sensory ability to grasp.

           Radio is well understood by science. These energies are there and decodable in our little cube. I suggest you take the time to shape it with your fingers and think about it.

           — continued (Next: Can you conceive of the sound dimension?)