Looking at the photo, do you feel the resonance of your own being? Something from a memory? From someplace you’ve been? Or is it new and drawn from reflecting resonance around you right now? Or does it beckon from within? Perhaps calling you to enter this new spiritual space? Perhaps something inside you is open to beginning a journey.

My Sprit Guide, See Do, took a lot of time to explain how our internal concept of this temporal reality is built. He explained how our individual identities form out of our integrated perceptions. And how our internal conscious beings echo everything that our senses consume.

In short, we are resonance. Our conscious beings integrate a world view around a kernel of reflected truth. This truth is assembled from echoing or repeating resonance that we distill from our perceptions. This kernel anchors our self-image. We project an actualization of our self-image out into the world and it reflects back with a positive consequence – this is the start – our kernel has formed. It grows more unified and resilient by picking up resonance of events and encounters. It becomes further integrated as we continue to reflect our internal image and see ourselves as a whole and separate identity from others and from outside events and consequences.

This is your being moving through your temporal reality. You are an individual, discreet being perceiving reality from a specific perspective. Your world view puts you firmly inside you, behind the nexus of your keyhole perceptions, with everything else outside you.

But what lies at the beginning of this process of identity-forming self-integration? There is a point from which we project our world and back into which our pre-integrated perceptions funnel. It is over this point of being that we come to overlay the self. We form an identity out of the sense we make of our temporal reality and use it as the scaffolding or platform for our experience of reality. But what of the singular point we have paved over with our self-aware, eternally self-critical conscious being? What is that thing?

It is your soul.

Behind the conscious thing you think of as you, is a point, a singularity that still powers the whole show for you. The reality you perceive is brought to you, in full, through the graces of your soul’s continual efforts.

Everything you perceive is an echo of your inner alignment between your conscious being and your soul’s inner truths and passions. The world you see resonates through you constantly. At the level of the conscious you, your self-identity, you are continually receiving and integrating resonances from the world you perceive. And as a result, your self-identity grows more complete and robust. The truth is you carry some of the resonance of everything you perceive. Just think about it. It is how you came to perceive them. It is another chicken-and-egg conundrum, isn’t it?

And your soul waits in the background for you to integrate your deeper internal truths and passions into your self, into your world view, in fact into the world that you project, creating new and powerfully integrated resonances that will reflect your deepest truths and become part of you, resonating out into your perceived temporal reality.

Your soul waits for you to move into True Being – to see the power of your truest self. It is so far beyond the stumbling automaton we foist up and construct around our worldly perceptions alone.

Look inside yourself deeply. Free yourself from any long-carried self-limitations and guilt. Find your conscious-spiritual connection. Greet your soul-spirit and learn to work as one. Move into True Being.

This is where we begin to change the world. Please don’t turn away.

–continued (Next: We consider the sea of souls around us.)