Prepare for the burst. As you reach your state of True Being you will feel a burst of creative energy. Your glow will shine back from all around you. You may be surprised at what good and beautiful things appear before you. I’ll bet you didn’t know you had it in you. But look there; you do.

My Spirit Guide, See Do, explained to me the ultimate power behind our small tool. Early on, in Chapter 20, he explained that the purpose of life is “to work with a small tool to build a great castle.” The small tool is our spirit-conscious-self connection. The great castle is a co-perceived, living world of harmony and justice.

And we will get there by painting. And sculpting. Creating our world. You see, that’s what we are doing anyway and all the time. As we live, or perceive our living, along this continuous arrow of Time, we are all, each and every one of us, painting or creating the temporal reality we are experiencing.

It flows out of our being and onto the vast canvas of our integrated perceptions. And we are all and each of us – the artist.

There is only one thing. There is only one spirit fabric. All of us are connected. And an energy of great truth runs through us, just behind our individual conscious-self. Our inner self, our inner being, needs only to connect with our individual point on the spirit fabric that is our soul. Once we can dispense with all the negative self-ideas, the false limitations, the untruths, the prejudices, the painful self-guilt and admonitions, we can reach out and make the connection that is waiting within each of us.

We can see our own inner truth. We can find our ideals and passions and reach across the divide and fully embrace them within our conscious-self. We can integrate the conscious-self with the spirit-soul. We can live in the glow of our inner spiritual truth and passion. We can live in True Being.

Then we can paint.

With the glow of True Being we can see our glow move out into the world. Others will feel it and respond. The world can seem to come to you. As the self-soul integrated artist painting your world, you can feel like you are right at the edge of creation, at the edge of now, feeling it come into being off the tip of your brush.

You may want to laugh in response to the new beauty you are coming to appreciate. The world will seem new. Every stimulus will be fresh and new and speaking to you. And speaking truth. What better response than laughter?

But this is just the beginning.

Now you will want to ask for a specific gift or presence or action within your world. From your immediate now, living in True Being, there is no reason to be afraid. Ask your spirit, your soul, the whole spirit fabric, the one thing. Ask for what you most desire in truth. Ask from within True Being, from within the truth of your spirit. Call it in.

You will be surprised at the answer. If you have found True Being, it will come.

Here is the true power of the artist to create a thing of beauty, a thing of “more than ordinary significance.” Here is the power of True Being. Here is the ability to affect events. To see a better world unfold to your deepest desires.

Your soul, in alignment with your conscious-self, has the ability to do many things, great and small. Here is the small tool. And with it, you can begin to build the great castle.

You are the artist. You have the full palette and creative energy inside you to create great things. The world is waiting for you to bring it forward.

You have the truth within you. Paint it on the world.

–continued (Next: So what lies beyond, outside this temporal reality?)